

We have a complete department of professional documentation for all our customers. Our highly specialized staff of lawyers and documentation specialists can prepare all travel documents and advise on requests for passports and required consular visas

  • Japanese passport renewal
  • Certified copies of family registry
  • Visas for Japan
  • Visas for the United States
  • Visas for Canada
  • Visas for China
  • Passport

Koseki Tohon – certified copies of family registry.

The koseki tohon is an important family document in Japan similar to a birth certificate or marriage license in Brazil. You will need one when applying for a Japanese visa. The koseki shows how far you’ve descended, whether to the second generation (nisei) or third (sansei).

First-generation Japanese (issei) in Brazil and those with dual citizenship will also need the koseki tohon when applying for or renewing their Japanese passports.

Available services:

Job contracts

Temporary visas

Foreigner ID card

Temporary visa extentions

Visa conversion


When traveling abroad, passengers of Brazilian nationality must present one of the following documents:

  • Passport with minimum validity (depending on destination)
  • Travel authorization for passengers under 18 years of age
  • National identification card or equivalent foreign document, for areas covered by treaties, agreements and other international acts
  • Visa for country of destination, which must also be shown in transit.

More information about valid indentification documents when traveling abroad to areas covered by agreements or other international acts, including to countries that make up Mercado Comum do Sul (MERCOSUL), can be obtained from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Federal Police Department

to Foreigners

Everything your company needs to travel in safety and comfort.

Team specialized in immigration

Qualified and experienced legal department

Full assistance during the entire process

Team specialized

Fornecemos assessoria completa em todo o procedimento para obtenção de vistos no Brasil, bem como para a legalização da permanência.

With a team specializing in immigration, Tunibra Travel Turismo Ltda guarantees its clientes a smooth transfer of their international personnel (expatriation).

Legal department

Experienced, well-qualified professionals in our legal department provide our customers with effective, fitting solutions in precise compliance with norms and regulations set by Brazilian authorities.

Contact us for information Telephone

+55 11 3346.8200