
Useful Information

[qode_accordion style=”toggle”][qode_accordion_tab title=”Hand luggage” title_tag=”h3″ content_padding=”40px 0 70px 0″]

Hand luggage

The weight allowance for hand luggage is ten kilograms. This means you are allowed to bring up to ten kilograms into the cabin at no extra cost. But beware! For reasons of safety or available cabin space, the carrier can cut back on this weight allowance and subject your hand luggage to a thorough check. Your transportation contract clearly states this information. Note that for safety reasons your hand luggage cannot contain sharp, pointed objects, nor inflammable or explosive materials. Regulations controlling international flights further ban bottles with more the 100 ml of liquid. If you have any questions, check with your airline company.
Do not place valuable objects in your checked-in baggage, such as jewelry, cash and electronic goods, including cell phones, notebooks, movie cameras and the like. Carry such items in your hand luggage. Also, be sure to weigh your luggage before leaving home to ensure your bags are within the limits stated on your transportation contract.


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Checked-in baggage

After the publication of Resolution no. 400/2016, airline companies can now sell airline tickets with different allowances for checked-in baggage, or with no allowance for passengers who do not intend to check in baggage. The transportation contract rules on all airline tickets are strictly enforced, especially for baggage allowance, irrespective of the flight date. So, when comparing flight ticket prices, carefully check what is being offered. Pay close attention to the limits each tariff permits on weight, size and quantity of your checked-in baggage. Be sure you know exactly what you are purchasing.


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Damaged or tampered baggage

Look for the airline company and report the problem as soon as you find out, preferably while still in the baggage claim area. You do, however, have up to seven days after receiving damaged or tampered luggage to report the incident in writing to the airline company. If the baggage has been damaged, the airline company must repair the damage or substitute it with equivalent baggage. If the baggage has been deliberately tampered with, you must show the damage sustained and the company must compensate you accordingly.


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Baggage theft

Look for the airline company and communicate the theft in writing. The company is responsible for your baggage from the moment you check it in until you receive it again. You should also report such an occurrence to police authorities and have them investigate the case.


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How to transport pets.

  • In passenger planes, live animals can be transported in the baggage hold.
  • The transportation of pet dogs and cats in the passenger cabin is permissible as long as it can be done safely in appropriate containers without disrupting the comfort of other passengers.
  • It’s also permitted to transport dogs trained to assist visually or auditively impaired passengers in the passenger cabin
  • The passenger must present a health certificate for the animal issued by the State Department of Agriculture at a Department of Animal Protection office or from a licensed veterinarian.

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Declaration of goods – Federal Revenue Service – Customs

Who needs to declare items purchased abroad

  • 1 Passengers over 16 years of age should fill out a Declaration of Accompanied Baggage form on arrival in the country
  • Duty-free items purchased abroad
  • Duty-free items include books, items for personal use, domestic or imported items.
  • Items for personal use include used wrist watches, glasses, clothing, footwear, beauty products and toiletries
  • Cameras and cell phones are also duty free as long as you can prove they were purchased for personal use.
  • Video cameras and notebooks are not duty-free
  • Items purchased before the trip
  • For items purchased before the trip you need to present, on return to your country, a receipt issued by a seller in your country, or a Declaration of Accompanied Baggage for items purchased abroad on previous trips.

Quantity of items permitted

  • Para ter isenção dos tributos, os bens declarados devem respeitar os limites de 12 litros para bebidas alcóolicas, 10 maços de cigarros com 20 unidades cada, 25 unidades de charutos ou cigarrilhas e 250 gramas de fumo. Para objetos de baixo custo, com valor inferior a US$ 10,00 (dez dólares), são permitidas 20 unidades desde que não haja mais do que 10 unidades idênticas.
  • Bens que não se enquadrem nas características anteriores e não sejam de uso pessoal não devem exceder a quantidade máxima de 3 unidades idênticas.
  • Os bens que excederem esses limites quantitativos ficarão retidos pela Receita Federal.

Duty-free amounts

  • Passengers within the limits of quantity of items listed above, are entitled to a tax exemption for items acquired abroad up to a quota of US$500.00 (five hundred dollars). This amount is personal, non-transferrable and appliable only once each month.
  • Should the amount of purchased items exceed this limit, a duty of 50% will be levied on the exceeding amount.
  • If the Declaration of Accompanied Baggage is presented incorrectly or incompletely, a fine of 50% will be levied on the amount exceeding the exemption.

Items purchased at the Duty-free shop

  • Items purchased at the Duty-free shop on arrival in Brazil are not counted in the limit of items purchased abroad, so a passenger can shop at the Duty-free shop up to a limit of US$500.00 per person.


  • Information from the Federal Revenue Service, the organ responsible for Customs Declarations, can be obtained by calling (11) 2445-2945.

[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”Flight recommendations” title_tag=”h3″ content_padding=”40px 0 70px 0″]

Flight recommendations

  • We have a highly qualified team to provide the best itineraries to suit customer needs, from a simple flight between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro to complex routes around the world.

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International Vaccination and Prevention Certificate

  • The yellow fever outbreak in Brazil has led to increased demand for the International Vaccination and Prevention Certificate (CIVP). This certificate, however, is only necessary when the country you intend to visit requires it for entry.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) released guidelines in 2014 prescribing that the yellow fever vaccination be administered in a single dose. Since then the Brazilian Ministry of Health has evaluated and adopted these same guidelines.
  • If you already have the new international certificate, there’s no need to renew it or apply for new one. If you have already been vaccinated for yellow fever and have a vaccination card, you can exchange it for the new international certificate at either the Congonhas or Guarulhos airport from Monday to Friday during regular business hours. If you have not yet been vaccinated, look for a public or private health clinic that administers this vaccination. If you’ve already been vaccinated but have neither a vaccination card nor an old international certificate, you’ll have to be revaccinated in order to obtain the new international certificate.


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+55 11 3346.8200